Sell More Products with Educational Packaging

Finding ways to set your products apart from those of your competitors can be challenging. Today's consumers are inundated with marketing messages, advertisements, and visual stimuli, so attracting the attention of a consumer requires a unique approach. Making the decision to use your product's packaging as an educational tool can be a simple way to make your products more visible in a retail setting.

Here are three tips you can use to incorporate more educational features on your product packaging in the future.

1. Partner with a charitable organization.

Charities are always looking for ways to educate consumers. You can help a local charity such as WorkAbilities, Inc. spread their message to the public and make your product more noticeable on retail shelves by teaming up with a charity to create some educational packaging materials. Incorporating trivia that pertains to the work performed by the charity or simply featuring a short biography on the charitable organization's activities can educate your consumers.

Statistics show that with products of equal price and quality, 80% of consumers are likely to switch brands to the one that supports a charity, so educating consumers about a charitable organization via your product packaging can be a great way to boost sales.

2. Print a fun game on your package.

Featuring a simple yet educational game like a word search or crossword puzzle on your packaging can be a great way to get your products into the hands of more consumers. As you design your packaging, be sure that you place at least a portion of the game on the side of the product that will face out into the aisle. This will help capture consumer attention and make your product more noticeable against the backdrop of a retail shelf.

When the consumer makes physical contact with your product as he or she picks it up to complete the game, you create a personal connection that could motivate the consumer to purchase your product instead of a competitor's.

3. Teach your consumers a new skill.

Learning a new skill can be fun for consumers, and you can easily use your product packaging as a simple how-to manual that will educate and excite customers in a retail setting. Incorporate directions for completing a project (one that requires the use of your product, of course) on your packaging.

Use vivid images that will make the finished project appealing to consumers, and they will want to purchase your product just to learn how they can complete the featured product on their own.

Incorporating educational elements into your product's packaging design can be a great way to set your product apart. Partner with a charity organization to educate consumers on important services being provided in your community, feature a fun puzzle, or teach consumers a new skill using your packaging.
